8 Ghoulishly Green Halloween Tips

Let's "CREEP" it real!

Beyond the fun of being frightened, the real scare of Halloween is what it does to the environment. Single-use costumes, plastic-wrapped candy, and hard-to-recycle decorations make it a wasteful holiday.

Infact, nearly 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins haunt US landfills, and most aren't even eaten. Spooky, kooky, man! 

So here’s how to celebrate with some spooktacular-ly sustainable tips! …


#1 Make The Most of Your Pumpkins


Instead of using a plastic pumpkin, support a local business & take a family adventure to a pumpkin patch.

Then eat the pumpkins you can, feed what’s left to your neighboring squirrels, or compost what’s left. You can join our residential compost drop-off program, take advantage of a free drop-off sponsored by Dundee Bank (Nov. 1-8th, 2021 at their Dundee & Little Bohemia locations), or contact us to host your own pumpkin drop-off.


#2 Cook Seasonal Veggies

pumpkin pie

In-season produce is fresher, sweeter, and down-right tastes better.

When veggies are ripened off the vine and harvested at the right moment, they’ll have more flavor and nutritional value.

So while you're at the pumpkin patch, go ahead and select a few fruits and veggies for cooking.

This blog by UNL FOOD comes in clutch with what's in season in Nebraska year-round. 


#3 Reuse Your Recycling

repurpose glass jars into pumpkins

Pinterest can be your best friend for all things crafting, helping you keep your "WITCHY" waste to a minimum. So dig through your recycling bin before it hits the curb; you might find your supplies! 


#4 Make the House Smell Like Fall

Don't toss your orange peels!

Instead, save them to make a citrus garland that your nostrils won't be able to resist. Sniffs, that is. Dried orange garland can keep the house smelling so fresh, so fall, so clean.

Bonus Tip: When done feeling oh-so-fallish, go ahead and toss these peels straight into the composting bin! 


#5 Low Carbon Costumes

Costume ideas ranked most to least sustainable:

two people halloween costumes pumpkin
  • Reuse what you already have: In the game of zero waste, we always say the most sustainable clothing option is the one already in your closet.

  • Call Mom: A great place to look for costumes might be the back of your parent's closet, where the '60s or '80s aren't dead yet!

  • Swap it! Bop it!: If the above two didn’t work, take it to social media. Ask friends, find a “buy nothing” group, or host a costume swap.

  • Thrift It: Go to locally owned thrift shops. Not only are you repurposing, but you're helping small businesses. Bonus points if you stay away from the big box items.   

  • Rent a Costume!: Keep that small business support going while picking from the best options around.

  • DIY: Use natural materials or stuff you already own.

  • Buys Something You'll Wear Again: While you might not be able to wear your rockin' landrover costume year-round, you may be able to incorporate pieces into your normal routine. Perhaps a Dancing Queen? A Nerd? Get creative. 

  • Buy Online from an Ethical Retailer. If you must make a purchase, please make it ethical. We recommend Eco-Cult for clothing and this non-toxic, organic face paint.


As always, we want you to avoid appropriation. Do not dress up like an existing minority or a culture that Americans have or still do belittle, insult, harm, subjugate, and steal from. It's not okay! This includes (and isn't limited to) Mexicans, Native Americans, Asians, and Inuits. If you're unsure what this means, here's an article that can help!

#6 Plastic-Wrapped Candy Alternatives

There are great alternatives to the sugar-filled, wrapped-in-plastic classics. If you can go the DIY route, just label what ingredients are in the treats like non-GMO candy, trail-mix, and pop-corn balls. 

If you can't or don't think it's a good idea to DIY candy, check out these items:

  • Endangered Species Chocolate Bars: Ethically traded, sustainably grown, and free of GMOs. A portion of these sales goes toward Wildlife Conservation efforts. 

  • Equal Exchange Chocolates: Bit-sized, Fair Trade chocolate goodness made with organic ingredients! 

  • Glee Gum: Neighbor kids will love chompin' on this eco-friendly Halloween candy. As an environmentally and socially responsible chew, you'll love knowing this gum is made using sustainably harvested chicle (tree sap) instead of plastic. Cheers if you're learning that regular gum has plastic in it! Yeah, don't buy that junk!

  • Skip The Candy: Offer useful, plastic-free gifts like pencils, erasers, or reusable silicone straws.

Also, be a good 'mummy,' and 'wrap up' the spooky season by collecting the neighbor's trash in this box: TerraCycle Candy & Snack Wrapper Zero Waste Box or use a Hefty EnergyBag, and place that in your normal recycling car.  


#7 Host an Eco Celebration

If you're throwing a Monster Bash this year, here’s some tips: 

  • Save paper by creating a Facebook or e-Invite. If going the paper route, use these great greeting cards that use recycled paper processed without chlorine & printed with solar power.

  • Use reusable glassware and utensils. If you can't do that, consider purchasing compostable service-ware and compost it using our Compost Club subscription. We also recommend these compostable Bio

  • Don't keep your recycling & composting bings "out of sight, out of mind." Make it a party feature by placing it in a visible space to spur educational conversations.

  • Skip buying food if you don't have to by utilizing what's already in your pantry. If you do need to buy, make it local and organic when possible. We suggest Exist Green, Omaha’s only zero-waste retailer.


#8 Stay Local

Check out the Nextdoor App's "Treat Map." It's a local interactive guide letting you and your neighbors know who’s planning to hand out candy, decorate the front, or dress up.

That way you can maximize your local experience while curbing carbon emissions from all the gas you’ll save.


And Remember: Zero Waste is a Process

imperfect zero waste

When going for zero waste or your sustainable goals, it’s not about perfection, it’s about making incremental progress.

Don’t let the guilt get in the way of doing your best.



If you’re involved with a business, school, or church, you can Sponsor a Compost Host Site, host a pumpkin drop-off, or sign up for our recycling & compost hauling services.

For individuals and families, you can join our Compost Club to get your waste composted while getting finished compost & soil back.