Earth Month Recap

Our phones ring off the hook in April; folks calling for our favorite part of the job - education & consultation. Brent and Samantha took on Earth Month in full force to help usher in a new era of zero waste culture where they’ve evolved our services beyond merely waste hauling into education, implementation, and consulting. Here’s a quick recap.

Yard tour with @APMArchitecture


Compost give-away with our partner Whole Foods


Luminarium debuted, and we’re amped about our partnership with them, and these incredible-looking bins @kiewitluminarium.


@MillworkCommons has a pretty legit waste diversion program. We got to test their knowledge with a “Where does it go” game. They actually did pretty good!

Samantha shows just how we do Earth Day by diving deep into demonstrating recycling practices for Earth Day Goers.


We had the honor of inspiring some youth at the Climate Rally.


Metro Community College invited us to help the Visiting Nurse Associations’ annual fundraiser cut down on its carbon footprint. Brent put his daughter to work to whip adults into shape on which bin to use.


Per the success of our 3,000 student composting program at OPSSouthHigh, Mia Perales won the Youth Award at @EarthDayOmaha for her vital role.


Amanda (LinkedIn employee) & Samantha host a “Compost & Recycling Game” for LinkedIn’s “bring your kids to work day” activity.


Medical Staffing Agency, Uniti Med gets ‘schooled’ on zero waste practices while during an employee driven “lunch and learn.”

Samantha Nieman